Monday, December 15, 2014


  1. When did DE become a state?
  2. What is the DE motto?
  3. Copy and paste the flag. Explain the symbols on it.
  4. Name three nicknames and tell why they were chosen.
  5. Describe the DE State Government. What are the parts? What does each part do?
  6. Who are the representatives that serve us from this area in the General Assembly? What are their term limits?
  7. Who is Representative Ernest Lopez? What committees does he serve on? What has he voted on in the past session? Create a list of three questions to ask him about his work in the State General Assembly that relate to you
  8. Who is Corporal Hudson Keller? What are some of the First Amendment issues he may have worked on? Create a list of three questions to ask him about his work.
  9. Listen to the state song!  Write a new state song.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  ANSWERS

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

The dollar bill

The dollar bill was made in 1863 when Abraham Lincoln was in office.